Thursday, April 7, 2011


True we all know that eating right is important to every aspect of our life.  Wow, you sure don't need me to tell you this.  You have been told all your life that you need to eat right.  But eating right for health and eating right for fitness are completely different.  Sure, eating right for health does help in your fitness asperations, but it does not mean all your fitness needs are met. There are a few main rules:

(1) Stay away from PORK!!  Pork is a wonderful tasting meat, however, it is very fatty.  Pork is a great way to stop you from seeing your rewards from your hard work.  You can literally kill yourself working out and if you eat pork regularly, you will not see what your gains are.  Pork puts layers of fat on your body that will hide the muscle dfinition you are working so hard to get.  So... NO BACON, NO PORK CHOPS, NONE.
Look at it this way, you love pork you have had a lot of pork in your life, so you need to give it up for a period long enough to achieve your goal.  It is definitely worth it and you will see.

(2) Vow to increase your protein intake.  You should take in approximately 1gm of lean protein for every kg of your ideal body weight.  I said "IDEAL"!  If you are heavier than you want to be, then this is not your ideal weight.  What weight would you or should you be for your body frame.  You don't have to be exact. To start with for the first three months of training try to tak in one third of the total needed about one hour or so after you wake up.  You have heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it couldn't be more true.  Your body needs protein to start the metabolism process for the day, skipping the morning protein needs could actually make you put on excess weight.  I want you to vow to give up breakfast and take in a high protein vitamin enriched shake for these first few months.  Why?  I know how it is to make good desisions when it comes to food for breakfast.  We are hungry and we want good food, so we pick what sounds good but is not the best for us.  There are several very good high protein shakes on the market and I will help you pick one.  I do recommend not using a powder mix to start with.  The majority of very good lean protein shakes on the market are Whey based.  Whey is the by-product of the cheese making process.  Whey has an after taste you need to get used to.  If you buy an expensive whey based protein powder, I can almost guarantee that you will hate it so much you will give up on it.  Later we will discuss many options, but here I will recommend Oh Yeah... It is absolutely the best tasting protein shake on the market and no I do not work for the company or get any kickback from them for rcommending it to you.  It is great tasting, it has 30 gms of whey protein and I have yet to see one person I have recommended it to not like it.  It is a little pricey, about $3.50 per bottle, but nothing that is good for you is cheap.  If you have ever been to a health food store you surely can vouche for this.  Muscle Milk is also a good product, but not as good tasting.  Remember that you are doing this for a reason and it is worth it in the long run.

(3) If you do not already, you must take a strong multi-vitamin.  I recomment the Men's Mega-Sport from GNC, it has a multitude of complexes at very high levels and is very reasonable.

(4) Suppliments are a must later, but for now we will just do with what we have.

(5) This step is common sense.  Try to limit sweets, breads, pasta, and other foods that make your body put on fat.

(6) Limit fried foods, say NO to chicken wings, although they taste great they can contain as much as 20g of fat per wing, yes per wing.  Imaging sitting eating 25 or 30 wings that I am sure you have before.  I surely have sat and eaten this many wings before and not only once.  That can add up to more fat that you should have in an entire month in a single meal.  WOW!!! 

(7) Stay away from fast food!  You could eat like a king for the calories you waste at a Wendy's, Burger king, or McDonald's drive through.

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